Monday, November 27, 2006

Thoughts on Christmas Music

So, Thanksgiving turns a corner and Christmas erupts, or it even erupts before Thanksgiving has time to appear. So for the next 30 days or so, the American culture is in a frenzy that stretches us to the extreme with family, friends, parties, shopping, overeating, depression, happiness, cold weather, decorations, and memories. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing for us, I will not comment on. I will comment on the uniqueness of the event, especially from the perspective of the believer. As Christians it is a holiday we celebrate the gift of Christ to all mankind. It is a holiday where we overflow with giving to others, both in love and gifts and service. People celebrate in many different ways, evoking many different emotions. But it stems from 2000 years ago--and has sustained itself through the ages. That alone is enough to make someone stop for a minute to ask "why."

I've listened to several different radio stations in my travels over the past few days, taken notes of what they are doing, and asking myself why they are doing what they do. I've seen billboards advertising 100% Christmas music starting before Thanksgiving. I've heard songs that are traditional, others that are upbeat and fun, and others that mix the traditional with the modern. Christian stations have the unique opportunity to proclaim their witness even louder this time of year. Musicians have the opportunity to bridge the gap between Christian and secular this time of year, when radio stations throw away barriers for the sake of Christmas. It really is a unique time for media.

For WPFJ, we choose Christmas music to play based on several criteria. Number one, the song must be consistent with our message that proclaims Christ and uplifts those that listen. We offer a unique blend of Christmas music that will always point the listener to Christ. Number two, the music will be of the highest quality available. God has gifted artists with talents to shine His light in the darkness--and we want to offer only the best.

So, in the next few weeks, you'll start to hear more Christmas music in the rotation, and we'll play it almost 100% in the days before. And when December 26th comes around, the message of Christmas won't stop. We will still offer the message of Christ in our music 24 hours a day. We hope you enjoy this season and catch a glimpse of what Christ truly meant when He came to earth 2000 years ago to change the course of history. Take some time to read in His Word to refresh yourself on His passion and calling for your life.

Merry Christmas.


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