Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Franklin Cub Scouts

JMack gives a couple of Cub Scouts from Franklin an insider's look at the WPFJ studios.

While in the studio, T. J. got a chance to record a few lines.

A big thanks to T.J. & Rob, from the Cub Scout Pack 263, for dropping by the WPFJ Studios and spending some time with JMack!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Where will WPFJ show up next?

Brenda helped Angel Medical Center Celebrate with a pie eating contest. Congratulations to the big winner, Wiley Hedden, an employee of Angel Medical Center. Pictured below is Carol Webb, R.N., Angel Medical Center ER Nurse.

Jennifer helps one lady celebrate Mother's Day in a big way: Congratulations Kim Bishop, Becca Carrion, and Tamara MacRae!

This year's Franklin Relay for Life was a huge success. Brenda, Johnny, and Jennifer brought exclusive coverage of this years event.

Brenda Wooten lighting the torch and getting ready for her "walk of fame" around the track in celebration of life and surviving cancer.

The National Day of Prayer was held on Thursday, May 1st, and residents from across Macon County joined to celebrate, worship, and pray for the needs of our community, nation, and world.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Gaither Homecoming Bus Tour 2008

Thanks to the Boiler Room Steakhouse for providing a great buffet meal for all of our concert attendees!

JMack spending a little quality time with the man himself, Bill Gaither.